The CHAT Follow-up Facility is a 0.7-m telescope and imaging camera system at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile, dedicated to follow-up observations of exoplanet transit candidates and astrophysical transients from the HATSouth exoplanet survey and the upcoming HATPI survey. The facility is fully automated and works in the same fashion as other robotic HAT telescopes, observing targets chosen from a queue every night, based on their priority, their position in the sky, and the current weather conditions.
CHAT is currently in shake-down operations, with full capability coming online later this year (2017). We have demonstrated 1 mmag per point photometry on 12—14 mag stars. The PI of the CHAT project is Prof. Andrés Jordán (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile). The Co-PI is Prof. Gáspár Á. Bakos (Princeton University).
We will be updating this website soon with more information on the project and how to request observations using time available to the public (Chilean astronomers).